Thursday, October 16, 2014

Understanding Close-Up Photography Creative Close Encounters Or Book Review

Download Understanding Close-Up Photography: Creative Close Encounters with Or Without a Macro Lens book online now. You also can read books, comics and magazine. Get online Understanding Close-Up Photography Creative Close today.

In his sixth book, renowned photographer, popular instructor, and best-selling author Bryan Peterson challenges and inspires us to see close-up photography in new ways when we view it through his eyes. You’ve seen the dewdrops, but what about dewdrops on a bird’s wing or raindrops on a car windshield? You’ve seen the bumblebees on vibrant flowers, but what about the fluid edge of just one petal or the colorful rusting metal at industrial sites? Even when Peterson does capture the more traditional subjects, it's done in untraditional ways–and often with minimal specialized equipment! Most important, he moves beyond the commonplace to inspire new ways of getting close, using your lenses, and discovering unconventional subjects.

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Understanding Close-Up Photography: Creative Close Encounters with Or Without a Macro Lens Feature

Understanding Close-Up Photography: Creative Close Encounters with Or Without a Macro Lens read book online now.

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Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Dramatic Black & White Photography Using Nik Book Download

Download Dramatic Black & White Photography Using Nik Silver Efex Pro 2 (The Lightweight Photographer Books) book online now. You also can read books, comics and magazine. Get online Dramatic Black & White Photography today.

Silver Efex Pro 2 has long been a favorite package with photographers who want to convert color images to black and white. Sure you can do this in Photoshop or Elements but the results really don't match what can be achieved with this software. When used properly Silver Efex Pro can reveal dramatic and stunning images concealed within what were previously lackluster color photographs. The secret, as with most things in life is knowing how to do something properly.

Do you know how all the sliders and conversion tools work and how to chose the best adjustments for each particular image?

What order should you work through the adjustments so as to create the greatest impact? Does it matter?

What processing should you apply to images before taking them into Silver Efex Pro?

What is the difference between the Structure and Fine Structure Sliders and which could damage your image?

Most of all, why do some black and white images work whilst others fall flat?

If you want to answer these questions and more, this is the guide you have been looking for. It covers every aspect of the Silver Efex interface, explaining all the adjustment options. The effects of individual sliders are compared so that you are well placed to determine the best approach for converting any image.

The first part of the considers a number of black and white images to identify any rules to help in creating dramatic conversions. Next is a thorough coverage of the software and all its capabilities. Finally there are three examples which detail the workflow and application of the Silver Efex tools. This final section is also supported by image files which can be downloaded from my web site, allowing you to follow along.

You will find everything is presented clearly with sufficient detail to allow you to master this powerful package. I do not include filler material; I just want to convey the essential facts. Now if you are wondering about this length of this book I can tell you it is 111 pages in A4, contains 20,000 words and 99 illustrations. This is not a short pamphlet like so many other low priced guides.

If you are still not sure, why not download and take a look at the sample. It will even give you the links to my web sites.


Dramatic Black & White Photography Using Nik Silver Efex Pro 2 (The Lightweight Photographer Books) More Feature

Dramatic Black & White Photography Using Nik Silver Efex Pro 2 (The Lightweight Photographer Books) read book online now.

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Thursday, October 9, 2014

How to Photograph Absolutely Everything Successful Pictures Book Online

Download How to Photograph Absolutely Everything: Successful Pictures From Your Digital Camera book online now. You also can read books, comics and magazine. Get online How to Photograph Absolutely Everything today.

This paperback edition of How To Photograph Absolutely Everything by renowned photographer, author, and broadcaster Tom Ang, delivers exactly what the title promises. Avoiding intimidating technical jargon, he explains the basic elements of photography - light, color, composition, and focus - then goes on to show how to make them work for you. From still lifes to children's parties, thunderstorms to sunsets, close-ups to panoramas, every photographic subject, technique, and challenge is covered. Using step-by-step photographs and instructions, Tom shows you how to take the best possible picture in any situation. Want to photograph city lights at night, animals in action, a family portrait? Tom makes it easy. Employing a user-friendly "recipe" formula, he shows you the best approach for each subject, gives expert tips on improving an image, and tells you how to set up your camera - so you really can't go wrong. Inspiring galleries at the end of each section describe alternative techniques to try for every subject. There are also tips on basic post-production, showing how to crop, improve color and contrast, and remove unwanted elements of an image. How to Photograph Absolutely Everything guarantees to make a better, more confident photographer of absolutely everyone who reads it.


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How to Photograph Absolutely Everything: Successful Pictures From Your Digital Camera read book online now.

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Monday, October 6, 2014

National Geographic Simply Beautiful Photographs Read Online

Download National Geographic Simply Beautiful Photographs book online now. You also can read books, comics and magazine. Get online National Geographic Simply Beautiful Photographs today.

National Geographic Simply Beautiful Photographs takes readers on a spectacular visual journey through some of the most stunning photographs to be found in National Geographic's famed Image Collection. Award-winning photographer Annie Griffiths culled the images to reflect the many variations on the universal theme of beauty. Chapters are organized around the aesthetic concepts that create beauty in a photograph: Light, Composition, Moment (Gesture and Emotion), Motion, Palette, and Wonder.

Beyond the introduction and brief essays about each featured concept, the text is light. The photographs speak for themselves, enhanced by lyrical quotes from scholars and poets. In the chapter on Light, for example, we read these words of whimsical wisdom from songwriter Leonard Cohen: "Ring the bells that still can ring. Forget your perfect offering. There is a crack in everything. That's how the lights get in." And then the images flow, of light entering scenes via windows, clouds, and spotlights, from above, alongside, and behind, casting radiance upon young ballerinas and weathered men, into groves of autumn trees and island-dotted seas, revealing everything it touches to be beautiful beyond expectation.

To illuminate the theme of Wonder, Griffiths chose a wish from Andre Bazin: "If I had influence with the good fairy...I should ask that her gift to each child in the world be a sense of wonder so indestructible that it would last throughout life." This thought is juxtaposed with an exquisite vision in white, a frame filled with the snowy-pure dots and rays of a bird's fan tail. And on it goes, picture after tantalizing picture, alive with wondrous beauty.

When she created National Geographic Simply Beautiful Photographs, Annie Griffiths set two goals: to maximize visual delight, and to create a book unique in the world of publishing--one in which many of the photographs could be purchased as prints. She has succeeded on both counts. Many of these stunning images are available for order, and there can be no doubt as to the visual delight. You must open this book for yourself, and take in its radiant beauty.

From National Geographic Simply Beautiful Photographs
Click on the images below to open larger versions.

Pantanal, Brazil. The setting sun silhouettes gauchos as they relax at the end of the day. (p. 104, Joel Sartore) Richnava, Slovakia. Roma children look out the window of their shanty. (p. 185, James L. Stanfield) Near Wismar, Germany. Women share a laugh while harvesting sugar beets. (p. 225, Gordon Gahan) Sarand, Hungary. A bee-eater bird takes flight, while another keeps its perch. (p. 341, Joe Petersburger)
Asheville, North Carolina. Orange leaves cover a Japanese maple at the Biltmore Estate. (p. 364, Melissa Farlow) Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming. A trumpeter swan glides across Yellowstone River. (p. 370-371, James P. Blair) Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea. Tail feathers of a little greenbul bird fan out behind closed wings. (p. 461, Joel Sartore) Bayan-Olgiy, Mongolian People's Republic. A Kazakh hunter shies slightly as his golden eagle spreads its wings. (p. 440, David Edwards)

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National Geographic Simply Beautiful Photographs Details

National Geographic Simply Beautiful Photographs read book online now.

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Sunday, September 28, 2014

Photography 11th Edition Download Book

Download Photography (11th Edition) book online now. You also can read books, comics and magazine. Get online Photography 11th Edition today.

The most comprehensive, up-to-date resource for today's photography students


Photography 11th edition offers an in-depth approach to photography that spans the ever-changing landscape of photography — from dark-room to digital print. This edition presents all facets of photography, laying out what you need to know to make photographs with digital tools as well as the integral steps to perfecting film print.


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Photography (11th Edition) Overview

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Friday, September 26, 2014

Bryan Peterson's Exposure Solutions The Most Common Book Online

Download Bryan Peterson's Exposure Solutions: The Most Common Photography Problems and How to Solve Them book online now. You also can read books, comics and magazine. Get online Bryan Peterson's Exposure Solutions The today.

Easy answers for your most common exposure questions
Bryan Peterson’s Understanding Exposure has demystified the elements of exposure for nearly half a million readers, making it one of the most popular photography books in the world. Now, Bryan returns with his first-ever follow-up, Bryan Peterson’s Exposure Solutions, this time tackling 28 of the most common exposure stumbling blocks for amateur shooters.
            These are the exposure situations that prove frustrating time and time again, from exposing high-contrast scenes to freezing action in low light, photographing a full moon, exposing subjects against a sunset sky, balancing subjects in shade with brightly lit backgrounds, and so on. For each, Bryan points out common pitfalls and then offers a simple solution, showing you how to approach the exposure differently and transform your shot.
            A complement to Understanding Exposure, Bryan Peterson’s Exposure Solutions digs deeper to help you break bad habits, take control of your exposure, and approach even tricky situations with confidence.


Bryan Peterson's Exposure Solutions: The Most Common Photography Problems and How to Solve Them Details

Bryan Peterson's Exposure Solutions: The Most Common Photography Problems and How to Solve Them read book online now.

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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Picture Perfect Practice A Self-Training Guide to Read Online

Download Picture Perfect Practice: A Self-Training Guide to Mastering the Challenges of Taking World-Class Photographs (Voices That Matter) book online now. You also can read books, comics and magazine. Get online Picture Perfect Practice A Self-Training today.

Foreword by Skip Cohen

Translating the chaos of the real world into a breathtakingly simple, beautiful photograph can often seem like an impossible task. With busy, cluttered backgrounds and subjects who don’t know how to pose, how can you take control and get a great shot no matter the situation? In Picture Perfect Practice, photographer Roberto Valenzuela breaks down the craft of photography into three key elements–locations, poses, and execution–that you can use to unlock the photographic opportunities lying beneath every challenging situation.

Valenzuela stresses the need for photographers to actively practice their craft every day–just like you would practice a musical instrument–in order to master the art of making great images. With chapters that offer practice exercises to strengthen your photographic abilities, you’ll learn how to approach a scene, break it down, and see your way to a great photograph. The Location section features chapters that cover symmetry, balance, framing, color elements, textures, and much more. The Posing section includes the Five Key Posing Techniques that Valenzuela uses every time he’s shooting people, as well as a complete list of poses and how to achieve, customize, and perfect them. The Execution portion, with sections like “Lighting through Direction” and “Simplicity through Subtraction,” reveals Valenzuela’s overall approach to getting the shot. The book also includes an inspiring and helpful chapter on deliberate practice techniques, where Valenzuela describes his system for practicing and analyzing his work, which leads to constant improvement as a photographer.

If you’ve been frustrated and overwhelmed by the challenges of real-world locations, posing your subjects, or executing a great image–or if you simply want to become a better shooter but don’t know where to start–Picture Perfect Practice gives you the tools and information you need to finally become the kind of photographer you’ve always wanted to be: the kind who can confidently walk into any location, under any lighting condition, with any subject, and know that you can create astonishing photographs that have a timeless impact.

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Picture Perfect Practice: A Self-Training Guide to Mastering the Challenges of Taking World-Class Photographs (Voices That Matter) Feature

Picture Perfect Practice: A Self-Training Guide to Mastering the Challenges of Taking World-Class Photographs (Voices That Matter) read book online now.