Thursday, October 16, 2014

Understanding Close-Up Photography Creative Close Encounters Or Book Review

Download Understanding Close-Up Photography: Creative Close Encounters with Or Without a Macro Lens book online now. You also can read books, comics and magazine. Get online Understanding Close-Up Photography Creative Close today.

In his sixth book, renowned photographer, popular instructor, and best-selling author Bryan Peterson challenges and inspires us to see close-up photography in new ways when we view it through his eyes. You’ve seen the dewdrops, but what about dewdrops on a bird’s wing or raindrops on a car windshield? You’ve seen the bumblebees on vibrant flowers, but what about the fluid edge of just one petal or the colorful rusting metal at industrial sites? Even when Peterson does capture the more traditional subjects, it's done in untraditional ways–and often with minimal specialized equipment! Most important, he moves beyond the commonplace to inspire new ways of getting close, using your lenses, and discovering unconventional subjects.

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Understanding Close-Up Photography: Creative Close Encounters with Or Without a Macro Lens Feature

Understanding Close-Up Photography: Creative Close Encounters with Or Without a Macro Lens read book online now.

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Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Dramatic Black & White Photography Using Nik Book Download

Download Dramatic Black & White Photography Using Nik Silver Efex Pro 2 (The Lightweight Photographer Books) book online now. You also can read books, comics and magazine. Get online Dramatic Black & White Photography today.

Silver Efex Pro 2 has long been a favorite package with photographers who want to convert color images to black and white. Sure you can do this in Photoshop or Elements but the results really don't match what can be achieved with this software. When used properly Silver Efex Pro can reveal dramatic and stunning images concealed within what were previously lackluster color photographs. The secret, as with most things in life is knowing how to do something properly.

Do you know how all the sliders and conversion tools work and how to chose the best adjustments for each particular image?

What order should you work through the adjustments so as to create the greatest impact? Does it matter?

What processing should you apply to images before taking them into Silver Efex Pro?

What is the difference between the Structure and Fine Structure Sliders and which could damage your image?

Most of all, why do some black and white images work whilst others fall flat?

If you want to answer these questions and more, this is the guide you have been looking for. It covers every aspect of the Silver Efex interface, explaining all the adjustment options. The effects of individual sliders are compared so that you are well placed to determine the best approach for converting any image.

The first part of the considers a number of black and white images to identify any rules to help in creating dramatic conversions. Next is a thorough coverage of the software and all its capabilities. Finally there are three examples which detail the workflow and application of the Silver Efex tools. This final section is also supported by image files which can be downloaded from my web site, allowing you to follow along.

You will find everything is presented clearly with sufficient detail to allow you to master this powerful package. I do not include filler material; I just want to convey the essential facts. Now if you are wondering about this length of this book I can tell you it is 111 pages in A4, contains 20,000 words and 99 illustrations. This is not a short pamphlet like so many other low priced guides.

If you are still not sure, why not download and take a look at the sample. It will even give you the links to my web sites.


Dramatic Black & White Photography Using Nik Silver Efex Pro 2 (The Lightweight Photographer Books) More Feature

Dramatic Black & White Photography Using Nik Silver Efex Pro 2 (The Lightweight Photographer Books) read book online now.

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Thursday, October 9, 2014

How to Photograph Absolutely Everything Successful Pictures Book Online

Download How to Photograph Absolutely Everything: Successful Pictures From Your Digital Camera book online now. You also can read books, comics and magazine. Get online How to Photograph Absolutely Everything today.

This paperback edition of How To Photograph Absolutely Everything by renowned photographer, author, and broadcaster Tom Ang, delivers exactly what the title promises. Avoiding intimidating technical jargon, he explains the basic elements of photography - light, color, composition, and focus - then goes on to show how to make them work for you. From still lifes to children's parties, thunderstorms to sunsets, close-ups to panoramas, every photographic subject, technique, and challenge is covered. Using step-by-step photographs and instructions, Tom shows you how to take the best possible picture in any situation. Want to photograph city lights at night, animals in action, a family portrait? Tom makes it easy. Employing a user-friendly "recipe" formula, he shows you the best approach for each subject, gives expert tips on improving an image, and tells you how to set up your camera - so you really can't go wrong. Inspiring galleries at the end of each section describe alternative techniques to try for every subject. There are also tips on basic post-production, showing how to crop, improve color and contrast, and remove unwanted elements of an image. How to Photograph Absolutely Everything guarantees to make a better, more confident photographer of absolutely everyone who reads it.


How to Photograph Absolutely Everything: Successful Pictures From Your Digital Camera More Feature

How to Photograph Absolutely Everything: Successful Pictures From Your Digital Camera read book online now.

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Monday, October 6, 2014

National Geographic Simply Beautiful Photographs Read Online

Download National Geographic Simply Beautiful Photographs book online now. You also can read books, comics and magazine. Get online National Geographic Simply Beautiful Photographs today.

National Geographic Simply Beautiful Photographs takes readers on a spectacular visual journey through some of the most stunning photographs to be found in National Geographic's famed Image Collection. Award-winning photographer Annie Griffiths culled the images to reflect the many variations on the universal theme of beauty. Chapters are organized around the aesthetic concepts that create beauty in a photograph: Light, Composition, Moment (Gesture and Emotion), Motion, Palette, and Wonder.

Beyond the introduction and brief essays about each featured concept, the text is light. The photographs speak for themselves, enhanced by lyrical quotes from scholars and poets. In the chapter on Light, for example, we read these words of whimsical wisdom from songwriter Leonard Cohen: "Ring the bells that still can ring. Forget your perfect offering. There is a crack in everything. That's how the lights get in." And then the images flow, of light entering scenes via windows, clouds, and spotlights, from above, alongside, and behind, casting radiance upon young ballerinas and weathered men, into groves of autumn trees and island-dotted seas, revealing everything it touches to be beautiful beyond expectation.

To illuminate the theme of Wonder, Griffiths chose a wish from Andre Bazin: "If I had influence with the good fairy...I should ask that her gift to each child in the world be a sense of wonder so indestructible that it would last throughout life." This thought is juxtaposed with an exquisite vision in white, a frame filled with the snowy-pure dots and rays of a bird's fan tail. And on it goes, picture after tantalizing picture, alive with wondrous beauty.

When she created National Geographic Simply Beautiful Photographs, Annie Griffiths set two goals: to maximize visual delight, and to create a book unique in the world of publishing--one in which many of the photographs could be purchased as prints. She has succeeded on both counts. Many of these stunning images are available for order, and there can be no doubt as to the visual delight. You must open this book for yourself, and take in its radiant beauty.

From National Geographic Simply Beautiful Photographs
Click on the images below to open larger versions.

Pantanal, Brazil. The setting sun silhouettes gauchos as they relax at the end of the day. (p. 104, Joel Sartore) Richnava, Slovakia. Roma children look out the window of their shanty. (p. 185, James L. Stanfield) Near Wismar, Germany. Women share a laugh while harvesting sugar beets. (p. 225, Gordon Gahan) Sarand, Hungary. A bee-eater bird takes flight, while another keeps its perch. (p. 341, Joe Petersburger)
Asheville, North Carolina. Orange leaves cover a Japanese maple at the Biltmore Estate. (p. 364, Melissa Farlow) Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming. A trumpeter swan glides across Yellowstone River. (p. 370-371, James P. Blair) Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea. Tail feathers of a little greenbul bird fan out behind closed wings. (p. 461, Joel Sartore) Bayan-Olgiy, Mongolian People's Republic. A Kazakh hunter shies slightly as his golden eagle spreads its wings. (p. 440, David Edwards)

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National Geographic Simply Beautiful Photographs Details

National Geographic Simply Beautiful Photographs read book online now.

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Sunday, September 28, 2014

Photography 11th Edition Download Book

Download Photography (11th Edition) book online now. You also can read books, comics and magazine. Get online Photography 11th Edition today.

The most comprehensive, up-to-date resource for today's photography students


Photography 11th edition offers an in-depth approach to photography that spans the ever-changing landscape of photography — from dark-room to digital print. This edition presents all facets of photography, laying out what you need to know to make photographs with digital tools as well as the integral steps to perfecting film print.


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Photography (11th Edition) Overview

Used Book in Good Condition. Photography (11th Edition) read book online now.

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Friday, September 26, 2014

Bryan Peterson's Exposure Solutions The Most Common Book Online

Download Bryan Peterson's Exposure Solutions: The Most Common Photography Problems and How to Solve Them book online now. You also can read books, comics and magazine. Get online Bryan Peterson's Exposure Solutions The today.

Easy answers for your most common exposure questions
Bryan Peterson’s Understanding Exposure has demystified the elements of exposure for nearly half a million readers, making it one of the most popular photography books in the world. Now, Bryan returns with his first-ever follow-up, Bryan Peterson’s Exposure Solutions, this time tackling 28 of the most common exposure stumbling blocks for amateur shooters.
            These are the exposure situations that prove frustrating time and time again, from exposing high-contrast scenes to freezing action in low light, photographing a full moon, exposing subjects against a sunset sky, balancing subjects in shade with brightly lit backgrounds, and so on. For each, Bryan points out common pitfalls and then offers a simple solution, showing you how to approach the exposure differently and transform your shot.
            A complement to Understanding Exposure, Bryan Peterson’s Exposure Solutions digs deeper to help you break bad habits, take control of your exposure, and approach even tricky situations with confidence.


Bryan Peterson's Exposure Solutions: The Most Common Photography Problems and How to Solve Them Details

Bryan Peterson's Exposure Solutions: The Most Common Photography Problems and How to Solve Them read book online now.

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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Picture Perfect Practice A Self-Training Guide to Read Online

Download Picture Perfect Practice: A Self-Training Guide to Mastering the Challenges of Taking World-Class Photographs (Voices That Matter) book online now. You also can read books, comics and magazine. Get online Picture Perfect Practice A Self-Training today.

Foreword by Skip Cohen

Translating the chaos of the real world into a breathtakingly simple, beautiful photograph can often seem like an impossible task. With busy, cluttered backgrounds and subjects who don’t know how to pose, how can you take control and get a great shot no matter the situation? In Picture Perfect Practice, photographer Roberto Valenzuela breaks down the craft of photography into three key elements–locations, poses, and execution–that you can use to unlock the photographic opportunities lying beneath every challenging situation.

Valenzuela stresses the need for photographers to actively practice their craft every day–just like you would practice a musical instrument–in order to master the art of making great images. With chapters that offer practice exercises to strengthen your photographic abilities, you’ll learn how to approach a scene, break it down, and see your way to a great photograph. The Location section features chapters that cover symmetry, balance, framing, color elements, textures, and much more. The Posing section includes the Five Key Posing Techniques that Valenzuela uses every time he’s shooting people, as well as a complete list of poses and how to achieve, customize, and perfect them. The Execution portion, with sections like “Lighting through Direction” and “Simplicity through Subtraction,” reveals Valenzuela’s overall approach to getting the shot. The book also includes an inspiring and helpful chapter on deliberate practice techniques, where Valenzuela describes his system for practicing and analyzing his work, which leads to constant improvement as a photographer.

If you’ve been frustrated and overwhelmed by the challenges of real-world locations, posing your subjects, or executing a great image–or if you simply want to become a better shooter but don’t know where to start–Picture Perfect Practice gives you the tools and information you need to finally become the kind of photographer you’ve always wanted to be: the kind who can confidently walk into any location, under any lighting condition, with any subject, and know that you can create astonishing photographs that have a timeless impact.

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Picture Perfect Practice: A Self-Training Guide to Mastering the Challenges of Taking World-Class Photographs (Voices That Matter) Feature

Picture Perfect Practice: A Self-Training Guide to Mastering the Challenges of Taking World-Class Photographs (Voices That Matter) read book online now.


The Digital Photography Book Book Online

Download The Digital Photography Book book online now. You also can read books, comics and magazine. Get online The Digital Photography Book today.

Scott Kelby, the man who changed the "digital darkroom" forever with his groundbreaking, #1 bestselling, award-winning book The Photoshop Book for Digital Photographers, now tackles the most important side of digital photography--how to take pro-quality shots using the same tricks today's top digital pros use (and it's easier than you'd think).

This entire book is written with a brilliant premise, and here’s how Scott describes it: "If you and I were out on a shoot, and you asked me, 'Hey, how do I get this flower to be in focus, but I want the background out of focus?' I wouldn't stand there and give you a lecture about aperture, exposure, and depth of field. In real life, I'd just say, 'Get out your telephoto lens, set your f/stop to f/2.8, focus on the flower, and fire away.' You d say, 'OK,' and you'd get the shot. That's what this book is all about. A book of you and I shooting, and I answer the questions, give you advice, and share the secrets I've learned just like I would with a friend, without all the technical explanations and without all the techno-photo-speak."

This isn't a book of theory—it isn't full of confusing jargon and detailed concepts: this is a book of which button to push, which setting to use, when to use them, and nearly two hundred of the most closely guarded photographic "tricks of the trade" to get you shooting dramatically better-looking, sharper, more colorful, more professional-looking photos with your digital camera every time you press the shutter button.

Here's another thing that makes this book different: each page covers just one trick, just one single concept that makes your photography better. Every time you turn the page, you'll learn another pro setting, another pro tool, another pro trick to transform your work from snapshots into gallery prints. There's never been a book like it, and if you're tired of taking shots that look "OK," and if you’re tired of looking in photography magazines and thinking, "Why don't my shots look like that?" then this is the book for you.


The Digital Photography Book Detail

Great product!. The Digital Photography Book read book online now.


Monday, September 15, 2014

Beginner's Digital SLR Crash Course Complete guide Download Book

Download Beginner's Digital SLR Crash Course: Complete guide to mastering digital photography basics, understanding exposure, and taking better pictures. book online now. You also can read books, comics and magazine. Get online Beginner's Digital SLR Crash Course today.

Who Else Wants To Take Better Pictures?
That's what this guide is all about; making the most of your digital camera, so that you can create beautiful photographs. You won't find all the complicated technical jargon that fills other books and blogs. I was like you at one point - I was just a guy who had no clue how to use all the fancy features of my new digital camera, and it was an extremely frustrating experience. My pictures were awful, and I was starting to question why I spent so much money on a DSLR.

Sound familiar?

I decided I wouldn't settle for mediocre results, so I spent years of trial and (mostly) error to figure out all the tips and little known tricks that I'll help you learn in this concise digital photography guide.

Give Me 24 Hours - And I'll Make You A Better Photographer
I'm going to teach you how to take better photos today. You'll see an improvement in your photos right away and they'll keep getting even better as you practice. Students in my digital photography workshops pay 0 per hour to see drastic improvement in their photography, and you get all the same information at a fraction of the cost. I believe in the 80/20 rule; I'm going to give you 20% of the tricks that will get 80% of the results so you can spend more time doing what you love.

Are You Harnessing The Creative Power Of These 3 Camera Modes?
Shooting in automatic mode can produce a decent photo every now and then, but you have zero creative control. The digital SLR cameras on the market offer several better modes to create beautiful photos.  I'm going to walk you through each one of those modes, one at a time, so that you know exactly how and when to use them. The camera modes we'll master together include:
  • Aperture Priority mode (Av, A)
  • Shutter Priority mode (Tv, S)
  • Manual Mode (M)
Warning: If You Shoot In Auto Mode, You Have Wasted 00
Prices have come down significantly, but cameras are still really expensive. There's no point in having an expensive camera if you're just shooting in Auto mode, because you could have spent a tenth the money for the same results. If you don't take advantage of the more advanced modes that you'll master with this guide, you've wasted hundreds or even thousands of dollars on a tool you can't use properly.

11 More Things You'll Learn About Your Digital Camera
In addition to all the shooting modes, I'll teach you everything you need to know about:
  • Image size 
  • Image quality
  • Memory cards
  • Color space
  • ISO speed
  • Digital noise
  • Histograms
  • White balance
  • Composition tips
  • Photo storage tips
  • Camera accessories for the (not so) beginner
Scroll up, click the BUY NOW button and get started right now!

5 Simple Ways To Be A Better Photographer Than 99% Of Beginners
Once you understand the basics in this book, it's really not hard to be a great photographer. I'm not promising that you'll sell out galleries in New York, but I guarantee if you follow these five simple principles that are covered in depth within this guide, you'll stand out from the crowd of beginners.
  1. Set yourself up for success by pre-programming your camera.
  2. Capture tack sharp photos, every single time.
  3. Find subjects that jump off the screen.
  4. Harness the correct camera mode for the situation. 
  5. Effectively use composition principles to lead the viewer's eye. 
If You Don't Learn The Basics Now, You Won't Forgive Yourself Later
This photography crash course has helped thousands of people get the most out of their digital SLR cameras, which has lead to tens of thousands of beautiful photos being taken, which has ultimately lead to hundreds of thousands of smiling faces. What are you waiting for?

How To Take Better Pictures In 7 Days...Or Your Money Back
If you're not totally convinced that this book will improve your photography, all you have to do is click one button within 7 days and Amazon will return 100% of your purchase price. You have nothing to lose.

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Beginner's Digital SLR Crash Course: Complete guide to mastering digital photography basics, understanding exposure, and taking better pictures. More Feature

Beginner's Digital SLR Crash Course: Complete guide to mastering digital photography basics, understanding exposure, and taking better pictures. read book online now.

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Sunday, September 14, 2014

Photography Business Secrets The Savvy Photographer's Guide Book Review

Download Photography Business Secrets: The Savvy Photographer's Guide to Sales, Marketing, and More book online now. You also can read books, comics and magazine. Get online Photography Business Secrets The Savvy today.

Give your photography business an edge with these professional insights

There are already more than 150,000 professional photographers in the U.S., according to Department of Labor statistics, and thousands of serious amateurs are continually seeking to become established. Whether yours is a new or long-standing photography business, you have plenty of competition. Lara White has collected the best advice from her popular photography business website,, into this guide for your reference. She covers establishing your brand, defining policies, setting prices, creating a marketing plan, networking, and a great deal more.

  • Photography is a rapidly growing industry, placing both established and beginning photographers in tough competition for business
  • Author Lara White runs a popular website teaching successful business strategies to photographers; this book collects and organizes valuable information to help newcomers get started and existing businesses grow
  • Covers business fundamentals including establishing a brand, defining studio policies, setting pricing, creating a marketing plan, understanding your audience, networking, and effective social media marketing
  • Provides proven tips for building a successful photography business

Photography Business Secrets is packed with advice that can help your photography business succeed and thrive, even in today's economy.

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Photography Business Secrets: The Savvy Photographer's Guide to Sales, Marketing, and More Details

Photography Business Secrets: The Savvy Photographer's Guide to Sales, Marketing, and More read book online now.


Friday, September 12, 2014

A Beautiful Mess Photo Idea Book 95 Book Free

Download A Beautiful Mess Photo Idea Book: 95 Inspiring Ideas for Photographing Your Friends, Your World, and Yourself book online now. You also can read books, comics and magazine. Get online A Beautiful Mess Photo Idea today.

Ready to show your photos some love?
Whether it’s of your sister’s smile, your morning coffee, or your new puppy, photos are a way to connect on Facebook and Instagram, keep a visual diary of our lives, and create momentos for future generations. Elsie Larson and Emma Chapman, creators of the mega-popular DIY style blog A Beautiful Mess, are in love with photographing everyday life. Here, they share that love with 95 all-new tips and photo challenges that will inspire you to style and snap better photos and then transform them into simple yet stunning projects and gifts. You’ll learn how to:

   • Take the most flattering self-portraits
   • Be your own stylist to turn dull, cluttered photos into pretty lifestyle photography
   • Capture adorable couple portraits
   • Turn everyday moments, hobbies, and rituals into amazing photos
   • Show off your favorite photos by turning them into handmade jewelry, home décor, and gifts
Packed with Elsie and Emma’s happy spirit and unique style, A Beautiful Mess Photo Idea Book will inspire you to capture your days, your friends, and your dreams in beautiful photos!

Creative Ideas from A Beautiful Mess

Cell Phone Pictures
Download these ideas for Cell Phone Photos
Cupcake Toppers
Download this idea for Cupcake Toppers
DIY Travel Suitcase
Download this idea for a DIY Travel Suitcase


A Beautiful Mess Photo Idea Book: 95 Inspiring Ideas for Photographing Your Friends, Your World, and Yourself Detail

Used Book in Good Condition. A Beautiful Mess Photo Idea Book: 95 Inspiring Ideas for Photographing Your Friends, Your World, and Yourself read book online now.

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The History of a Private Investigator

In 1833 a French soldier called Eugène François Vidocq, a French soldier, criminal and privateer, founded the first known private detective agency, "Le Bureau des Renseignements Universels pour le commerce et l'Industrie" (Office of Intelligence) and hired ex-convicts.
Official law enforcement tried to shut it down many times. In 1842 police arrested him in suspicion of unlawful imprisonment and taking money on false pretences after he had solved an embezzling case. Vidocq later suspected that it had been a set-up. He was sentenced for five years with a 3,000-franc fine but the Court of Appeals released him. Vidocq is credited with having introduced record-keeping, criminology and ballistics to criminal investigation. He made the first plaster casts of shoe impressions. He created indelible ink and unalterable bond paper with his printing company. His form of anthropometrics is still partially used by French police. He is also credited for philanthropic pursuits - he claimed he never informed on anyone who had stolen for real need.
After Vidocq, the industry was born. Much of what private investigators did in the early days was to act as the police in matters that their clients felt the police were not equipped for or willing to do. A larger role for this new private investigative industry to was to assist companies in labor disputes. Some early private investigators provided armed guards to act as a private militia.
In the U.S., the Pinkerton National Detective Agency was a private detective agency established in 1850 by Allan Pinkerton. Pinkerton had become famous when he foiled a plot to assassinate then President-Elect Abraham Lincoln. Pinkerton's agents performed services which ranged from undercover investigations and detection of crimes to plant protection and armed security. It is sometimes claimed, probably with exaggeration, that at the height of its existence the Pinkerton National Detective Agency employed more agents than the United States Army.
During the labor unrest of the late 19th century, companies sometimes hired operatives and armed guards from the Pinkertons and similar agencies to keep strikers and suspected unionists out of their factories. The most famous example of this was the Homestead Strike of 1892, when industrialist Henry Clay Frick hired a large contingent of Pinkerton men to regain possession of Andrew Carnegie's steel mill during a lock-out at Homestead, Pennsylvania. Gunfire erupted between the strikers and the Pinkertons, resulting in multiple casualties and deaths on both sides. Several days later a radical anarchist, Alexander Berkman, attempted to assassinate Frick. In the aftermath of the Homestead Riot, several states passed so-called "anti-Pinkerton" laws restricting the importation of private security guards during labor strikes. The federal Anti-Pinkerton Act of 1893 continues to prohibit an "individual employed by the Pinkerton Detective Agency, or similar organization" from being employed by "the Government of the United States or the government of the District of Columbia."

Photography Download Book

Download Photography book online now. You also can read books, comics and magazine. Get online Photography today.

For introductory and advanced courses in Photography. This best-selling introductory photography text teaches students how to use the medium confidently and effectively by emphasizing both technique and visual awareness. Comprehensive in scope, this book-features superb instructional illustrations and examples in its clear presentation of both black and white and color photography. London offers extensive coverage of digital imaging and the latest technological developments, such as Web page design and formatting photos on CD-ROMs.

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Photography Feature

Photography read book online now.


Direction & Quality of Light Your Key Book Review

Download Direction & Quality of Light: Your Key to Better Portrait Photography Anywhere book online now. You also can read books, comics and magazine. Get online Direction & Quality of Light today.

Providing readers with a study of learning how to turn poorly lit images into finely crafted, masterfully lit photographs, this guidebook instills photographers with the self-confidence to think on their feet and photograph any portrait subject anywhere. Acclaimed photographer Neil van Niekirk presents seven distinctly different lighting scenarios—available light, exposure metering, a touch of flash, bounced on-camera flash, off-camera flash, video light, and hard sunlight—to show readers how to manipulate the direction and quality of light, the subject’s and photographer’s position, and numerous other variables so as to turn a bad image into a stunning, professional-level portrait. Packed with dozens of instructional, full-color photos, this work also features 10 sample photo sessions, allowing readers the opportunity to see the seven lighting scenarios put to practice.

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Direction & Quality of Light: Your Key to Better Portrait Photography Anywhere Overview

Direction & Quality of Light: Your Key to Better Portrait Photography Anywhere read book online now.

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The Digital Photography Book Part 3 Book Download

Download The Digital Photography Book, Part 3 book online now. You also can read books, comics and magazine. Get online The Digital Photography Book Part today.

Scott Kelby, author of The Digital Photography Book, volume 1 (the world’s best-selling digital photography book of all time), is back with a follow-up to his volume 2 smash best seller, with an entirely new book that picks up right where he left off. It’s even more of that “Ah ha—so that’s how they do it,” straight-to-the-point, skip-the-techno-jargon stuff you can really use today to make your shots even better.

This book truly has a brilliant premise, and here’s how Scott describes it: “If you and I were out on a shoot and you asked me, ‘Hey Scott, I want the light for this portrait to look really soft and flattering. How far back should I put this softbox?’ I wouldn’t give you a lecture about lighting ratios, or flash modifiers. In real life, I’d just turn to you and say, ‘Move it in as close to your subject as you possibly can, without it actually showing up in the shot.’ Well, that’s what this book is all about: you and I out shooting where I answer questions, give you advice, and share the secrets I’ve learned, just like I would with a friend—without all the technical explanations and techie photo speak.”

Each page covers a single concept on how to make your photography better. Every time you turn the page, you’ll learn another pro setting, tool, or trick to transform your work from snapshots into gallery prints. If you’re tired of taking shots that look “okay,” and if you’re tired of looking in photography magazines and thinking, “Why don’t my shots look like that?” then this is the book for you.

This isn’t a book of theory—full of confusing jargon and detailed concepts. This is a book on which button to push, which setting to use, and when to use it. With nearly 200 more of the most closely guarded photographic “tricks of the trade,” this book gets you shooting dramatically better-looking, sharper, more colorful, more professional-looking photos every time.


The Digital Photography Book, Part 3 Feature

The Digital Photography Book, Part 3 read book online now.

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Natural Newborn Baby Photography A Guide to Book Review

Download Natural Newborn Baby Photography: A Guide to Posing, Shooting, and Business book online now. You also can read books, comics and magazine. Get online Natural Newborn Baby Photography A today.

Little toes, pursed lips, and tiny hands—newborn photography is a rapidly growing market and professional photographers are eager to jump in. To work with and pose a 5- to 10-day-old infant demands special skills, keeping the child safe and the new parents comfortable, while capturing the subject’s raw and natural beauty.

This guide by pro photographer Robin Long provides the inspiration and instruction, practical tips, and equipment advice you need to get started. You will learn about:

  • Establishing trust with clients and working with newborns and parents
  • Using natural lighting sources and selecting simple wraps and materials
  • Posing styles and transition advice to ensure the session goes smoothly
  • Calming techniques and understanding the physical requirements of newborns
  • Post-processing workflows with Adobe Camera Raw and Adobe Photoshop to create breathtaking images

This beautifully illustrated guide will not only assist you through a complete newborn session, but will help you start  your own newborn photography business, including creating a business plan, building a client base, and selling your images to clients.

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Natural Newborn Baby Photography: A Guide to Posing, Shooting, and Business Feature

Natural Newborn Baby Photography: A Guide to Posing, Shooting, and Business read book online now.

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Seahorse - Discover Early reader's wildlife photography Download Book

Download Seahorse - Discover: Early reader's wildlife photography book book online now. You also can read books, comics and magazine. Get online Seahorse - Discover Early reader's today.

Explore the world with Discover Press!

This is a wildlife photography and facts book intended for early readers! Make sure to pay attention throughout the entire book because you'll be tested for your knowledge at the end.

Discover other exciting titles with Discover Press!

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Seahorse - Discover: Early reader's wildlife photography book More Feature

Seahorse - Discover: Early reader's wildlife photography book read book online now.

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The Digital Photography Book Part 2 2nd Read Online

Download The Digital Photography Book, Part 2 (2nd Edition) book online now. You also can read books, comics and magazine. Get online The Digital Photography Book Part today.

Scott Kelby, author of The Digital Photography Book, part 1, the top-selling digital photography book of all time, is back with an entirely new book that picks up right where part 1 left off. It's more of that “Ah ha–so that's how they do it,” straight-to-the-point, skip-thetechno- jargon stuff you can really use today that made part 1 so successful.

This book truly has a brilliant premise, and here’s how Scott describes it: “If you and I were out on a shoot and you asked me, ‘When I use my flash, the background behind the person I’m shooting turns black. How do I fix that?’ I wouldn’t give you a lecture on flash ratios, or start a discussion on flash synchronization and rear curtain sync. I’d just say, ‘Lower your shutter speed to 1/60 of a second. That should do it.’ Well, that’s what this book is all about: you and I out shooting, where I answer questions, give you advice, and share the secrets I’ve learned just like I would with a friend–without all the technical explanations and techie photo speak.”

Each page covers a single concept on how to make your photography better. Every time you turn the page, you’ll learn another pro setting, tool, or trick to transform your work from snapshots into gallery prints. If you’re tired of taking shots that look “okay,” and if you’re tired of looking in photography magazines and thinking, “Why don’t my shots look like that?” then this is the book for you.

This isn’t a book of theory–full of confusing jargon and detailed concepts. This is a book on which button to push, which setting to use, and when to use it. With over 200 of the most closely guarded photographic “tricks of the trade,” this book gets you shooting dramatically better-looking, sharper, more colorful, more professional-looking photos every time.


The Digital Photography Book, Part 2 (2nd Edition) More Detail

Used Book in Good Condition. The Digital Photography Book, Part 2 (2nd Edition) read book online now.


DSLR Photography Beginners Learn how to shoot Book Free

Download DSLR Photography: for Beginners: Learn how to shoot like a pro using your DSLR camera book online now. You also can read books, comics and magazine. Get online DSLR Photography Beginners Learn how today.

DSLR Photography for Beginners: Learn how to shoot like a pro using your DSLR camera


DSLR Photography: for Beginners: Learn how to shoot like a pro using your DSLR camera More Detail

DSLR Photography: for Beginners: Learn how to shoot like a pro using your DSLR camera read book online now.

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Photography Develop your skills one shot at Book Free

Download Photography: Develop your skills one shot at a time book online now. You also can read books, comics and magazine. Get online Photography Develop your skills one today.

Photography: Develop your skills one shot at a time

This is what they didn't teach you at the Camera store. Want to become a better photographer? What do you have to do to improve? Do you need to learn the basics? Or refine your skills?

This is the book for you. It covers camera technique, from composition to advanced modes that will help you become a better photographer and improve your pictures and photography.

If you really want to become a better photographer, you need to spend time practicing and learning how to properly use your camera to its full potential. This book will teach you to get off of automatic and achieve great results. The truth is, everyone who has the passion and desire can become a great photographer. The only real difference between professionals and novices is desire and dedication. This book will take your knowledge to a level where you can talk with other photographers and know what you are talking about. Your friends will ask you how you take such great photographs. And best of all, you will know that what makes you a great photographer, is not your camera, but your own creativity and passion. Don't be fooled by all the fancy technology out there, it is useful but it is useless if you are not equipped with the knowledge to properly use it. This book will give you the tools you need to develop your skills, one shot at a time.

If you want to improve your photography and your pictures this is the book for you. There are camera tips here that will make you a much better photographer. Take it as a photography lesson that is a lot more efficient than some of the other drawn out photography books for kindle. There are many how to photography books out there, but this one is the one you need if you want to improve without breaking the bank.

There is a workbook associated with this book that can be found at

Or this book combined with the workbook at

Photography: Develop your skills one shot at a time

This is what they didn't teach you at the Camera store. Want to become a better photographer? What do you have to do to improve? Do you need to learn the basics? Or refine your skills?

This is the book for you. It covers camera technique, from composition to advanced modes that will help you become a better photographer and improve your pictures and photography.

If you really want to become a better photographer, you need to spend time practicing and learning how to properly use your camera to its full potential. This book will teach you to get off of automatic and achieve great results. The truth is, everyone who has the passion and desire can become a great photographer. The only real difference between professionals and novices is desire and dedication. This book will take your knowledge to a level where you can talk with other photographers and know what you are talking about. Your friends will ask you how you take such great photographs. And best of all, you will know that what makes you a great photographer, is not your camera, but your own creativity and passion. Don't be fooled by all the fancy technology out there, it is useful but it is useless if you are not equipped with the knowledge to properly use it. This book will give you the tools you need to develop your skills, one shot at a time.

If you want to improve your photography and your pictures this is the book for you. There are camera tips here that will make you a much better photographer. Take it as a photography lesson that is a lot more efficient than some of the other drawn out photography books for kindle. There are many how to photography books out there, but this one is the one you need if you want to improve without breaking the bank.

There is a workbook associated with this book that can be found at

Or this book combined with the workbook at

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Photography: Develop your skills one shot at a time Feature

Photography: Develop your skills one shot at a time read book online now.

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The Barnet Book of Photography A Collection Book Free

Download The Barnet Book of Photography A Collection of Practical Articles book online now. You also can read books, comics and magazine. Get online The Barnet Book of Photography today.

This book was converted from its physical edition to the digital format by a community of volunteers. You may find it for free on the web. Purchase of the Kindle edition includes wireless delivery.

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The Barnet Book of Photography A Collection of Practical Articles Features

The Barnet Book of Photography A Collection of Practical Articles read book online now.

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The Design Aglow Posing Guide Family Portrait Download Book

Download The Design Aglow Posing Guide for Family Portrait Photography: 100 Modern Ideas for Photographing Newborns, Babies, Children, and Families book online now. You also can read books, comics and magazine. Get online The Design Aglow Posing Guide today.

Get inspired to take family portraits your clients will love
Whether you’re facing your first family portrait shoot or are a seasoned professional looking for fresh inspiration, Design Aglow’s 100 ideas for posing newborns, babies, children, siblings, and families will help you approach each session brimming with confidence and creative ideas.

Design Aglow’s style-savvy approach has resonated with photographers (and their clients) everywhere. This curated collection reflects their modern sensibility, with poses from industry superstars such as Elizabeth Messina, Rachel Devine, Jose Villa, Tara Whitney, and Anna Kuperberg. You’ll also get tips on directing your subjects, follow-up shots for each setup, and behind-the-scenes lighting information. 

Both eye candy and practical reference tool, The Design Aglow Posing Guide for Family Portrait Photography will inspire any family photographer, novice or expert, to “wake up” their style and take beautiful portraits for modern families.

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The Design Aglow Posing Guide for Family Portrait Photography: 100 Modern Ideas for Photographing Newborns, Babies, Children, and Families Details

Used Book in Good Condition. The Design Aglow Posing Guide for Family Portrait Photography: 100 Modern Ideas for Photographing Newborns, Babies, Children, and Families read book online now.


The Photographer's Eye Composition Design Better Digital Download Book

Download The Photographer's Eye: Composition and Design for Better Digital Photos book online now. You also can read books, comics and magazine. Get online The Photographer's Eye Composition Design today.

Design is the single most important factor in creating a successful photograph. The ability to see the potential for a strong picture and then organize the graphic elements into an effective, compelling composition has always been one of the key skills in making photographs.

Digital photography has brought a new, exciting aspect to design - first because the instant feedback from a digital camera allows immediate appraisal and improvement; and second because image-editing tools make it possible to alter and enhance the design after the shutter has been pressed. This has had a profound effect on the way digital photographers take pictures.

Now published in sixteen languages, The Photographer's Eye continues to speak to photographers everywhere. Reaching 100,000 copies in print in the US alone, and 300,000+ worldwide, it shows how anyone can develop the ability to see and shoot great digital photographs. The book explores all the traditional approaches to composition and design, but crucially, it also addresses the new digital technique of shooting in the knowledge that a picture will later be edited, manipulated, or montaged to result in a final image that may be very different from the one seen in the viewfinder.

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The Photographer's Eye: Composition and Design for Better Digital Photos Features

The Photographer's Eye: Composition and Design for Better Digital Photos read book online now.


Art of Everyday Photography Move Toward Manual Book Free

Download Art of Everyday Photography: Move Toward Manual and Make Creative Photos book online now. You also can read books, comics and magazine. Get online Art of Everyday Photography Move today.

In this easy-to-understand book, Susan Tuttle encourages the reader to get her camera out of "auto mode" and finally learn how to use its features to create beautiful photos capturing the everyday moments of life, including portraiture, landscape, still-life scenes, food, pet photography, street photography and more. In addition to camera basics, Susan includes many tips and techniques for getting the most out of smartphone cameras and photo apps.

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Art of Everyday Photography: Move Toward Manual and Make Creative Photos More Feature

Art of Everyday Photography: Move Toward Manual and Make Creative Photos read book online now.

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The Alphabet In Scenes of Nature Book Online

Download The Alphabet: In Scenes of Nature book online now. You also can read books, comics and magazine. Get online The Alphabet In Scenes of today.

Rediscover the alphabet as it is displayed in beautiful American vistas and across expansive Alaskan skies. Keep the pictures together as a collection or use individual pages to spell names and words. Each breathtaking photograph also has it’s own solo page for maximum enjoyment. This coffee table style book will bring delight to anyone.

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The Alphabet: In Scenes of Nature Detail

The Alphabet: In Scenes of Nature read book online now.

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Photography 9th Edition Book Review

Download Photography (9th Edition) book online now. You also can read books, comics and magazine. Get online Photography 9th Edition today.

This best-selling introductory photography text teaches students how to use the medium confidently and effectively by emphasizing both technique and visual awareness. Comprehensive in scope, this book features superb instructional illustrations and examples in its clear presentation of both black and white and color photography. London offers extensive coverage of digital imaging and the latest technological developments, such as Web page design and formatting photos on CD-ROMs.

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Photography (9th Edition) Overview

Many people who have used this book have become professions photographers.. Clarity and convenience have always been a focus of this book.. Improving visual awareness is a major emphasis of this book.. Photography (9th Edition) read book online now.


Vivian Maier Street Photographer Book Free

Download Vivian Maier: Street Photographer book online now. You also can read books, comics and magazine. Get online Vivian Maier Street Photographer today.

Please note that all blank pages in the book were chosen as part of the design by the publisher.

A good street photographer must be possessed of many talents: an eye for detail, light, and composition; impeccable timing; a populist or humanitarian outlook; and a tireless ability to constantly shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot and never miss a moment. It is hard enough to find these
qualities in trained photographers with the benefit of schooling and mentors and a community of fellow artists and aficionados supporting and rewarding their efforts. It is incredibly rare to find it in someone with no formal training and no network of peers.

Yet Vivian Maier is all of these things, a professional nanny, who from the 1950s until the 1990s took over 100,000 photographs worldwide—from France to New York City to Chicago and dozens of other countries—and yet showed the results to no one. The photos are amazing both for the breadth of the work and for the high quality of the humorous, moving, beautiful, and raw images of all facets of city life in America’s post-war golden age.

It wasn’t until local historian John Maloof purchased a box of Maier’s negatives from a Chicago auction house and began collecting and championing her marvelous work just a few years ago that any of it saw the light of day. Presented here for the first time in print, Vivian Maier: Street Photographer collects the best of her incredible, unseen body of work.

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Vivian Maier: Street Photographer Features

Vivian Maier: Street Photographer read book online now.

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Digital Photography Masterclass Book Free

Download Digital Photography Masterclass book online now. You also can read books, comics and magazine. Get online Digital Photography Masterclass today.

Featuring tutorials, image analyses, assignments, and step-by-step image manipulation exercises, Digital Photography Masterclass explains how to see the world with a photographer's eyes. Stunning images and stylish design make this book a great tool for anyone looking to learn about the technical and creative aspects of photography and post-production.

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Digital Photography Masterclass Details

Used Book in Good Condition. Digital Photography Masterclass read book online now.


The Digital Photography Book Part 4 Download Book

Download The Digital Photography Book, Part 4 book online now. You also can read books, comics and magazine. Get online The Digital Photography Book Part today.

Scott Kelby, author of The Digital Photography Book (the best-selling digital photography book of all time), is back with another follow-up to his smash best-seller, with an entirely new book that picks up right where volume 3 left off. It's even more of that "Ah ha, so that' s how they do it," straight-to-the-point, skip-the-techno-jargon stuff people can really use today, and that made volume 1 the world's best-selling book on digital photography.

This book truly has a brilliant premise, and here's how Scott describes it: "If you and I were out on a shoot and you asked me, 'Hey Scott, I want the light for this portrait to look really soft and flattering. How far back should I put this softbox?' I wouldn't give you a lecture about lighting ratios, or flash modifiers. In real life, I'd just turn to you and say, 'Move it in as close to your subject as you possibly can, without it actually showing up in the shot.' Well, that's what this book is all about: you and I out shooting where I answer questions, give you advice, and share the secrets I've learned, just like I would with a friend--without all the technical explanations and techie photo speak."

Each page covers a single concept on how to make your photography better. Every time you turn the page, you'll learn another pro setting, tool, or trick to transform your work from snapshots into gallery prints. If you're tired of taking shots that look "okay," and if you're tired of looking in photography magazines and thinking, "Why don't my shots look like that?" then this is the book for you.

This isn't a book of theory, full of confusing jargon and detailed concepts. This is a book on which button to push, which setting to use, and when to use it. With another 200 of the most closely guarded photographic "tricks of the trade," this book gets you shooting dramatically better-looking, sharper, more colorful, more professional-looking photos every time.

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The Digital Photography Book, Part 4 Feature

The Digital Photography Book, Part 4 read book online now.

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The Moment It Clicks Photography Secrets from Download Book

Download The Moment It Clicks: Photography Secrets from One of the World's Top Shooters book online now. You also can read books, comics and magazine. Get online The Moment It Clicks Photography today.

Joe McNally, one of the world’s top pro digital photographers, whose celebrated work has graced the pages of Sports Illustrated, Time, and National Geographic (to name a few), breaks new ground by doing something no photography book has ever done—blending the rich, stunning images and elegant layout of a coffee-table book with the invaluable training, no-nonsense insights, and photography secrets usually found only in those rare, best-of-breed educational books.

When Joe’s not on assignment for the biggest-name magazines and Fortune 500 clients, he’s in the classroom teaching location lighting, environmental portraiture, and how to “get the shot” at workshops around the world. These on-location workshops are usually reserved for a handful of photographers each year, but now you can learn the same techniques that Joe shares in his seminars and lectures in a book that brings Joe’s sessions to life.

What makes the book so unique is the “triangle of learning” where (1) Joe distills the concept down to one brief sentence. It usually starts with something like, “An editor at National Geographic once told me…” and then he shares one of those hard-earned tricks of the trade that you only get from spending a lifetime behind the lens. Then, (2) on the facing page is one of Joe’s brilliant images that perfectly illustrates the technique (you’ll recognize many of his photos from magazine covers). And (3) you get the inside story of how that shot was taken, including which equipment he used (lens, f/stop, lighting, accessories, etc.), along with the challenges that type of project brings, and how to set up a shot like that of your own.

This book also gives you something more. It inspires. It challenges. It informs. But perhaps most importantly, it will help you understand photography and the art of making great photos at a level you never thought possible. This book is packed with those “Ah ha!” moments—those clever insights that make it all come together for you. It brings you that wonderful moment when it suddenly all makes sense—that “moment it clicks.”


The Moment It Clicks: Photography Secrets from One of the World's Top Shooters Features

The Moment It Clicks: Photography Secrets from One of the World's Top Shooters read book online now.

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Scott Kelby's Digital Photography Boxed Set Parts Book Online

Download Scott Kelby's Digital Photography Boxed Set, Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4, Updated Edition book online now. You also can read books, comics and magazine. Get online Scott Kelby's Digital Photography Boxed today.

With over 800 of the most closely guarded photographic “tricks of the trade,” this boxed set–consisting of all four parts of Scott Kelby’s best-selling series, The Digital Photography Book–is the ultimate resource for any one who wants to shoot dramatically better-looking, sharper, more colorful, more professional-looking photos every time.

Camera technology advances quickly, and with this boxed set now including updated editions of Parts 1 and 2, readers will find refreshed tips and tricks to be current for today's photographer. The equipment Scott uses and recommends to the reader has been updated, as well as prices, links, and pictures. In Part 1, Scott has added a new chapter, addressing the top 10 things he wishes he would've been taught when he was just starting out in photography. And, there is a whole new section in Part 2 entitled "The Seven Deadly Sins of Landscape Photography," where Scott discusses the biggest traps in landscape shots-and how to avoid them in order to create breathtaking imagery.

Scott Kelby, the man who changed the “digital darkroom” forever with his groundbreaking, best-selling The Photoshop Book for Digital Photographers, now tackles the most important side of digital photography–how to take professional-quality shots using the same tricks today’s top digital pros use (and it’s easier than you think). These aren’t books of theory, full of confusing jargon and detailed concepts. These are books on which button to push, which setting to use, and when to use it. Each page covers a single concept on how to make your photography better.

Every time you turn the page, you’ll learn another pro setting, tool, or trick to transform your work from snapshots into gallery prints. If you’re tired of shots that look “okay,” and if you’re tired of looking in photography magazines and thinking, “Why don’t my shots look like that?” then these are the books for you.


Scott Kelby's Digital Photography Boxed Set, Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4, Updated Edition Features

Scott Kelby's Digital Photography Boxed Set, Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4, Updated Edition read book online now.

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How to Set Up Photography Lighting a Book Free

Download How to Set Up Photography Lighting for a Home Studio book online now. You also can read books, comics and magazine. Get online How to Set Up Photography today.

Product Review for How to Set Up Photography Lighting for a Home Studio

This eBook descriptively details subjects related to a basic photo studio setup in the comfort of your home. It is geared for beginners and intermediate users wanting to learn more. It contains information about how to use continuous studio

lighting, how to use strobe lighting photography, as well as techniques that

enable you to control the lighting as you wish. Having a controlled environment

makes for beautiful photos, and gives more options for creativity as well.

This is valuable for anyone who also simply wants to take better quality

family or pet photos. It would make a useful reference guide for product

photography as well. If you sell products on eBay or a similar venue,

great looking photos are a must to get your products sold. Proper lighting

is a key issue!

This eBook also contains information about home photography studio setups and

discusses how you can make adjustments to create the best blend of lighting and

colors. In a nutshell, this is everything that a beginning photographer needs to

understand how to setup your own photography studio at home. Download your

copy now.

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How to Set Up Photography Lighting for a Home Studio Features

How to Set Up Photography Lighting for a Home Studio read book online now.

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Digital SLR Photography All-in-One Dummies Book Online

Download Digital SLR Photography All-in-One For Dummies book online now. You also can read books, comics and magazine. Get online Digital SLR Photography All-in-One Dummies today.

The bestselling guide to DSLR photography - now updated for the latest technology and tools!

This new edition gets you up to "shutter speed" on the latest camera technologies, including the new consumer-targeted full-frame models and pro-features that are now incorporated in consumer-focused units. Veteran author and professional photographer Robert Correll walks you through how a camera works, what lenses to use, how to set exposure, and how to capture the shots that define a portfolio.

Fully updated to cover the latest generation of cameras and boasting more than 700 pages, this must-have resource explores the latest in tools and offers additional content, including video and interactive tools so that you can enhance your photography knowledge.

  • Covers the basics of DSLR mechanics and explains how settings affect the final photo
  • Reviews lenses and walks you through choosing and applying the right lens for your situation
  • Discusses how aperture, shutting speed, and ISO combine to determine how your photo will look
  • Demystifies how to light a photo, from using natural light to flash to artificial lighting
  • Helps you shooting high-quality video and film

Digital SLR Photography All-in-One For Dummies, 2nd Edition is packed with everything you need to get your idea photo, from portraits to action shots to night photos and so much more!

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Digital SLR Photography All-in-One For Dummies Overview

Used Book in Good Condition. Digital SLR Photography All-in-One For Dummies read book online now.

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The Art of Photograph Essential Habits Stronger Book Review

Download The Art of the Photograph: Essential Habits for Stronger Compositions book online now. You also can read books, comics and magazine. Get online The Art of Photograph Essential today.

Learn to take better pictures in this step-by-step, how-to photography guide filled with tips on lighting, equipment, inspiration, and more.

Featuring more than 200 of master photographer Art Wolfe's stunning images, The Art of the Photograph helps amateur photographers of all levels break bad habits and shatter common yet incorrect assumptions that hold many photographers back. This is Wolfe’s ultimate master class, in which he shares the most important insights and techniques learned in four decades of award-winning photography. Along with co-author Rob Sheppard, Wolfe challenges us to stop focusing on subjects we feel we should photograph and instead, to “see like a camera sees,” seek out a personal point of view, and construct stunning, meaningful images. You’ll also learn how to:

·      Reexamine prejudices that define (and limit) what you photograph
·      See beyond the subject to let light and shadow lead you to the right image
·      Find inspiration, including the story behind Wolfe's own photographic journey.
·      Use formal art principles to build more compelling images.
·      Choose the right camera and lens for the image you see in your mind's eye.
·      Recognize the 10 deadly sins of composition—and how to avoid them.
·      …and even get a behind-the-lens look at Wolfe’s equipment and workflow.


The Art of the Photograph: Essential Habits for Stronger Compositions Detail

The Art of the Photograph: Essential Habits for Stronger Compositions read book online now.

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Introduction to Photography Learning The Basics of Download Book

Download Introduction to Photography: Learning The Basics of Capturing Breathtaking Pictures book online now. You also can read books, comics and magazine. Get online Introduction to Photography Learning The today.

Do you want to capture amazing images? Do you feel like you have an inner artist itching to create something beautiful?

This book will give you the tools and direction necessary to get started into the fantastic world of photography. It will give you the information you need to create something truly amazing.

Tap into your inner artist and let’s get to it!

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Introduction to Photography: Learning The Basics of Capturing Breathtaking Pictures More Detail

Introduction to Photography: Learning The Basics of Capturing Breathtaking Pictures read book online now.


11 Things Every Photographer Should Know About Book Download

Download 11 Things Every Photographer Should Know About HDR Photography book online now. You also can read books, comics and magazine. Get online 11 Things Every Photographer Should today.

HDR photography can be pretty complicated and if you go into it without knowing what you are doing, you are in for some trouble! "11 Things Every Photographer Should Know About HDR Photography" is something every photographer should read prior to jumping into the world of HDR photography. Blake Rudis has been teaching HDR photography techniques for over 3 years and knows how to make HDR images that pop off the page!

What you will receive from reading "11 Things..." :

- A better understanding of the HDR process and how to create an HDR image using several different techniques.

- A considerable amount of knowledge about file formats used during the HDR process.

- A plethora of examples as to what you should and should not be HDR'ing!

- A worthy understanding of HDR tone mapping software and how to use it to make better HDR images through the bonus content provided.

- A guide to post processing HDR images that outlines what to look out for after the image has been tone mapped to make it look its absolute best!

Did I mention Bonus Content? Blake Rudis provides links to many video tutorials specific to the topic being covered.


11 Things Every Photographer Should Know About HDR Photography Feature

11 Things Every Photographer Should Know About HDR Photography read book online now.


Model Release Templates On Target Photo Training Book Online

Download Model Release Templates! (On Target Photo Training Book 22) book online now. You also can read books, comics and magazine. Get online Model Release Templates On Target today.

Model Release Templates

Let's face it, we live in a litigious time!

It seems that everyone is searching for a way to sue somebody and photographers are NOT exempt! Even if you are NOT a professional!

Protect yourself by getting a signed release from everyone you shoot!

  • Did you know you can't put a persons' photo on a website without a release? Yes, that includes Facebook!

  • Did you know that you can't enter a photo contest without a release?

  • Did you know that you can't sell a photo without a release?

  • Did you know that it is almost impossible to track down someone and get a signed release after the fact?

  • Protect yourself and get a signed release from everyone you shoot! Then you never have to worry about it.

    To help... Here is an e-book of Model Release Templates.

    You get a release template for; Adults, Minors, Nudes, Property and one of Extra Clauses that can be added when needed.

    Get protected - right now!

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    Model Release Templates! (On Target Photo Training Book 22) Feature

    Model Release Templates! (On Target Photo Training Book 22) read book online now.

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    Exploring HDR Photoshop Photomatix & Topaz Adjust Book Review

    Download Exploring HDR: Photoshop, Photomatix & Topaz Adjust book online now. You also can read books, comics and magazine. Get online Exploring HDR Photoshop Photomatix & today.

    Using Photoshop, Photomatix and Topaz Adjust, Blake Rudis, creator of the award winning blog Everyday HDR, walks you through the wonderful world of High Dynamic Range photography. There are many methods that are discussed in Exploring HDR from the typical multiple exposure tone mapped HDR image to the single Raw file technique. Blake gives away many of his secrets in this book with 6 different HDR techniques, 9 HDR post processing techniques, over 130 detailed pictures, and bonus content in every Chapter.

    Blake knows the importance of post processing your HDR images and has included several detailed post processing techniques. These techniques include adding depth to your tone mapped photo, combating chromatic aberrations, HDR specific noise reduction and so much more! If you are looking for a highly detailed, tutorial based HDR book, Exploring HDR is the one for you!

    Key Highlights of Exploring HDR:

    *Designed for Beginner to Advanced skill levels

    *Bonus Content in every chapter

    *Downloadable files to follow along with the tutorials on select Chapters

    *Step by step tutorials to help you better your HDR photography

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    Exploring HDR: Photoshop, Photomatix & Topaz Adjust More Detail

    Exploring HDR: Photoshop, Photomatix & Topaz Adjust read book online now.

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    Photography 10th Edition Book Download

    Download Photography (10th Edition) book online now. You also can read books, comics and magazine. Get online Photography 10th Edition today.

    For introductory and advanced courses in Photography.


    The London, Upton, Stone series has helped over 1,000,000 photography students capture their potential. And Photography, 10e is the most comprehensive, up-to-date resource for today's photography students. No other text teaches students the skills they need to use the medium confidently and effectively, while emphasizing both technique, visual awareness, and the latest technologies. This is the text that students will want to keep for years to come.


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    Photography (10th Edition) Detail

    Photography (10th Edition) read book online now.

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